This is how Lucy spends her days!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Weeping Mortar, ARGHHH!!!
So you may have been able to tell from the pictures of our last post, but we have a special kind of mortar around our bricks. This is called weeping mortar and it is the absolute stupidest thing ever invented. Our thought is that some mason tried to make some short-cuts and save time so didn't finish the job. He then decided to put a name to it so he could pretend that it is suppose to look like that and look good. For some reason, several houses in our neighborhood look like this. We decided to rebel and smooth it out. First of all, this is not the funnest job in the world. Took most of the day to just get the sun room done. Will spend all Sunday trying to get the outside finished. We started out with a hammer and hand chisel. What a chore. Finally Hazen rented an electric chisel and it started going much faster. Be warned, these pics are pretty boring as they are mostly of a brick wall.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Working our butt's off
Finally got the front yard to a respectable level. As usual it was more work than expected but we really enjoyed getting it to look good. I am pretty sure most of the neighbors think I am on some type of speed drug. Now everyone wants pavers and water features and new plants and lots of other crap that I really don't want or have time to do. Still need to finish off the job with lighting but the front is already rigged up with wiring so all I need to do is buy better lights. How come nobody told me that when you get a house you don't just have to worry about the mortgage there are a zillion other must buy, must buy, must buy. Oh well, I guess you are never too young to declare bankruptcy. Just kidding. Everyone is invited to the Housewarming party on June 21st. There will be plenty of the cheapest beer possible to go around. Hopefully the bar will be finished just in time (Don't worry, I'll have it finished). Cheers
(Before) - or about 10 minutes before. I got a little excited with the excavator and forgot to take a pic before I started.
If you can't tell the plants are a little small because... well damn they were cheaper!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
We Have Furniture!!!
Well we have been in our house for about 3 weeks now and it is finally starting to look like home. We ordered furniture a couple weeks ago and it just came on Friday. We got some pictures up on the walls and most the boxes are unpacked. We can finally start to relax a bit. Hazen is working on a small waterfall for the front of the house and will eventually get to a larger one in the back yard. We will have to get some photos up of that as soon as it's done.

Master Bedroom
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Just working on house stuff
Seems like we have been pretty busy lately. We got the keys to the house a couple weeks ago and have been going crazy cleaning/moving/fixing up things. The house was left pretty dirty by the previous owners. They packed up their stuff and left, not sweeping/vacuuming/wiping out cupboards or anything. Luckily we had the rental for a couple weeks after we got the keys so we weren't rushed to get everything in the house. We had time to clean and do some painting before we moved stuff in. The rooms don't really need painted, but we are doing them anyways so they are what we want. We order furniture last week and it should be coming this week. As soon as everything is finished painting and furniture in its place, we will take some more pics for everyone to see.
We gave ourselves a break from house work today and took a nice little hike to Halverson Lake this morning before it got too hot.
The living room with wall paper. It doesn't look that bad but we aren't big fans of wall paper. Started out to be a b**** to remove but Aubree figured it out and it went pretty quick.
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