We have been having so much fun with the little man. He is smiling so much more and I feel like I always need to get the camera out. I can't imagine living in the days of film. I would have wasted so much money. We recently had Travis visiting and had a great time with him. It was wonderful watching him get to meet his nephew. Can't wait for Sarah and Mason to get the chance too. Barry and Teri will be here this weekend. This will be the first time they have seen him since he was born. I'm sure they will be amazed at how much he has changed already.
I had my very first Mother's Day! It started out a bit rough since Sawyer didn't hardly sleep at all the night before. Once I got a nap in though it got better. It was a beautiful day in Boise. Hazen, Sawyer, Lucy and I went for a walk in the park. Then home for an excellent lobster dinner made by a wonderful husband. Sawyer ended it by sleeping the best he ever has. I got 5 straight hours of sleep! This is the most I've gotten since before he was born, when I was getting up every 1/2-2 hours each night to go to the bathroom. Not much else exciting going on around here. We are just waiting for some company at the end of the month. Then, unfortunately, back to work at the beginning of June.