We had a great time on our recent trip to WA. Sawyer was a road tripping machine. I think he got pretty exhausted though by the end of the trip. After Saturday at about noon, it was a struggle to keep him awake. On our drive over we stopped in Cle Elum to visit some friends. They have an 8 month old daughter that only weighs 2 pounds more than Sawyer. It was fun to get them together. The dental conference was exactly what it sounds like....boring. Really, it wasn't so bad. And I have all the continuing education hours for the year done. The BBQ at my parents was great. It would have been impossible to see all those people if it weren't for that. Still didn't get to see and talk to everyone as much as I would have liked. Luckily mom, grandma, Dawn and the kids will be here in a few weeks. Sawyer slept 6 of the 8 hours for the drive back to Boise. It sure is good to be home.
We recently had Travis visit is for close to a week, followed by Barry and Teri over Memorial Day weekend. Both were great visits. Barry and Teri were here right after he was born but I think they were amazed at how big he has gotten. It's amazing how fast he grows. Here are some pics from their visit.