We had such a great time while Travis, Sarah and Mason were here. It makes us want them to move here even sooner. We had a BBQ one night with a couple other kids around the same age as Mason. She got to pick out a pinata for the party. It was a great time. I wish I didn't have to work while they were here so I could have had more time with them. Here are some pics from their visit.
This is my boss' daughter Christa. She is 6 weeks older than Sawyer.
We had a wonderful time with our visitors last weekend. Mom, Grandma, Dawn and the kids all made the drive over. Grandma, Dawn and I went to the Shakespeare Festival one night and saw a great play. We did the Saturday market downtown, went to the zoo and had a water balloon fight. Grandma also got lots of Sawyer time in. We are now looking forward to a visit from Travis, Sarah and Mason next week.