We have had a request for "inhabited" house pics so here they are:
This is the Family/Sports room. Not much in it except the computer and some Mariners blankets hanging on the wall.

This is about the only room in the whole house that is fully furnished.

Beautiful bedroom set (thanks grandma)

This is the Map Room. No furniture - just maps.

The living room. We just picked up a couple recliners yesterday. I had this room photographed before we bought them and the room looked a lot emptier. Thought I should retake the photo with the chairs since these are suppose to be inhabited house pics.

Aubree and Lucy. Sometimes she doesn't like her picture taken. Either that or she doesn't like to be layed on.

Lucy thinking she is small enough to sit in the chair with Hazen.

Couldn't leave this precious little thing out of the post. Our niece Mason as Baby Elvis for Halloween.

Mason enjoying the Boise State football Uncle Hazen gave her on our trip to visit Travis and Sarah in Pacific Grove, California.

Hey everyone. We thought this was a good way of communicating with a large number of people while we were on our trip so thought we would try it again. We will try to post new stuff as it happens, but we don't have a whole lot going on at the moment. We are still on the job hunt. Aubree ended up getting the Monday/Wednesday job. YEAH!!! She has a working interview today for a Tuesday job that may eventually turn into Tuesdays and Thursdays. For now, she has contacted the temp agency and will hopefully be getting some work through them. Hazen has signed up for an orientation to be a substitute teacher in the Boise school district. As for the rest of our time, we have been running around with Lucy. She keeps us busy and that is what we needed. Hazen and Lucy went to cut some firewood today to keep warm this winter. (We are cheap and like to save on energy payments if we can). Guess that's about it for now. Hope you enjoy our site.
Ahhh, I want to snuggle with Lucy, she is so adorable! Glad to hear about the job, keep us updated. Hope we can travel your way soon... :)
It is fun to see where you are at. Love the wall map theme. Seems totally appropriate. Happy new home!
Nona Groesbeck
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