Aubree's parents came to visit over the Memorial Day weekend. They arrived Thursday night and took off Monday morning. We had a very nice time with them while they were here. We were forced to stay up later than normal (our bed time is usually 9pm) and they were forced to go to bed earlier than normal (Dad's bed time is usually 3am). We didn't do a whole lot of stuff but had a good time hanging out. We drove out to the old Penitentiary and just looked at it, didn't actually go in. Decided to drive out to Lucky Peak and just do a driving tour of the city. Had some good burgers for lunch and went to the Crab Shack for dinner. Had to get out the cards and play some Funky Rummy for old times sake. Wouldn't be a family get together without Funky Rummy. Mom and Aubree ran some errands Saturday while Dad and Hazen put together the bbq that mom and dad bought for us for a house warming gift. They got it half put together before pulling the lid out of the box and realizing it was all bent up. Had to take it back, get a new one and start putting it back together again. We got mom a gift certificate for a pedicure for mothers day so Aubree and mom went to have that done. It was quite relaxing but I think we had some newbies. Had to wait for the head honcho to come do the designs. Had a delicious steak/salmon/crab leg dinner before Hazen and dad went to the Boise Burn arena football game while mom and Aubree went to see "Bucket List". It was a good movie and the guys seemed to enjoy their game. Came back home for strawberry shortcake and hot tub. Good way to end the evening. Went to breakfast Sunday morning then out to see the Birds of Prey exhibit. They've got some big birds. We especially liked the California Condor that seemed to want to eat us. Good thing there were bars and glass between us. Back home for another bbq and more Funky Rummy. Ended the night watching a pretty good movie "Resurrecting the Champ". We had a great time and though they say the drive is too long and this was the only time they were coming to Boise, I bet they will be back.
Relaxing in the backyard

Sweet new bbq (thanks!)

Turned out to be a pretty nice weekend after the nasty forecast said rain and thunderstorms non-stop all weekend.

Ornate Hawk-Eagle

This thing is huge. Have seen them before but not so close to realize what an amazing animal this is.

Dad's trying to take a pic of me while I'm taking a pic of them.

Oh yeah. We also played some Frisbee golf. Not naming names of who might have won, but it might have been Aubree.

In the drive thru at DQ

Lucy apparently needed that window because she was expecting a dog biscuit from the drive thru person. Since this is a family show, I had to bleep out mom's ta-ta's

It may look like dad has a tail but again, family show. Nobody likes a plumbers butt. However, these two were both very excited about the squirrels.
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