Sawyer was born on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 5:46pm. He was 8 lbs 1 oz and was 21 inches long. I was induced due to a mild case of pre-eclampsia. Basically, my blood pressure was super high, along with a couple other symptoms. The delivery went extremely well. My parents came over that day, unfortunately Sawyer came very quickly and they didn't make it for the birth, but were here a couple hours later. Hazen's parents made it here the next day. They were all very helpful. Hazen's parents couldn't stay long but were able to see Sawyer's first couple days. My dad left on the 4th day, and was replaced with my sisters and my Grandma Barr. Since everyone has left and we've been by ourselves, things have gone well. Sawyer is eating about every 4 hours, sometimes every 5 hours at night. Hazen and I seem to have a good routine down so that we both get as much sleep as possible. So far, things are going really well. Sawyer had his 2 week checkup today. He is back up to his birth weight and is now 22 inches long. We are having so much fun with him. We just can't stop staring at him in amazement. There are a ton of photos here, but we're new parents, what do you expect?

1 comment:
Yay for all the cute pics. xoxo -toot
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