Sunday, August 24, 2008


Well I think they haven finally gotten as tall as they are gonna get. They are just now starting to bloom.
Ethel is doing well. She likes to share Lucy's food.
Making herself at home. Starting to venture outside a little more.
The little S#!*. How does 4 pounds do this to a house plant?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kasey and Jesse

Kasey flew over from Chehalis and Jesse drove up from Vegas so we could have one heck of a good time. Friday we went to breakfast at a little place on the outskirts of town so Jesse could get a scone he had been dreaming of. (Sorry Jesse, the breakfast was awful). We let our stomachs settle a bit then tubed the river. Hazen and I then broke away from the party and went to the Shakespeare festival to see "Macbeth". Our anniversary was Saturday and we had already got tickets to the play before we knew Kasey and Jesse were coming over. It was our first Shakespeare play and I think we both decided we wouldn't ever see another one. Hazen was ready to leave at intermission but I convinced him to stay. Afterwards, we met up with Jesse, Kasey and Doug so the guys could play shuffleboard. Saturday was pretty relaxed. We went to a good breakfast then hit the horse races. Hazen will kill me if I don't say he was the big winner (even though he only won $14 on one race). Came home and took some pretty good naps before the Seahawks game came on. Watched a movie after that. Went to bed fairly early (1:30am). Sunday we had breakfast at home (biscuits and gravy, yummy). We went up to Table Rock to do the tourist thing with Kasey then back down to float the river again. Got Kasey off to the airport (I hate goodbyes!) then Doug and Tera came over for a bit before the guys went to play more shuffleboard. It was a great weekend. We had so much fun.

On the way to the river
So relaxing
Don't pop the tubes
Late night fun
Making some hobo quesadillas at 3am
At the races. Notices the lady in the purple shirt behind Hazen. She gave us some bum information that we lost a bunch of money on.
Table Rock with Kasey
Only 100 degrees out

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fun and Exhausting

Travis and Sarah decided to do a weekend camping trip in the Sawtooth Mountains. Teri went to their home in Logan, UT to see where they have been spending their summer then they all drove up to Boise last Thursday night. Mason got to hang out all weekend with Grandma, Aunt and Uncle. This was the first time Travis and Sarah have both left Mason. We had a great time and she was absolutely wonderful. We found out that it doesn't matter how good the kid is, it's still exhausting. Sorry moms, it may delay grandchildren on our end.

Enjoying her bath
Dancing at the Soul Food Festival
Got pictures taken at Sears

I'm so cute!
New edition to the family, Ethel
Poor Ethel. This is what she had to put up with all weekend
Max came to visit with Barry as well